Friday, May 30, 2008

Leaving a Legacy

Today at work I noticed something (surprising since I've been up since 4:30am) children model what they see from the people the look up too (mom,dad, siblings etc). I know some of you are saying, "Casey, you didn't notice this before??" And yes I have noticed it (I've been working with kids for 6 years). But it really struck me this morning. One five year old girl was walking around all in a huff talking under her breath complaining about the situation, almost to the point of disrespect. I thought to myself, "Where did she learn that?"..."Her mom, more than likely".

We as people have the power to influence in HUGE ways, especially as parents (not speaking from experience).I began to think of the ways I have impacted those around me.

I am leaving this small little river town in 2 months. How will people remember me? What impact will I have on their lives? Will they say I helped or hurt? Encouraged or discouraged? Loved or hated? Shown them Jesus or shown them hypocrisy?

I know I have made an impact though.
"[Casey] This is my lovely babe. She is my core group leader. She helps me through everything. She got me to love myself like I should :) If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be going to youth group, she makes it awesome, I can tell her anything and she will listen and give me advice. She helps me through anything I am struggling with. I love her with all my heart, and I always will, even if she does get into college in Minnesota T_T. I love you. "---Hannah--hero sect of myspace

The way my preschoolers on Sunday smile and hug me and tell their parents how much they love me, some even pray for me every night!

The way the kids/teens at work talk to me about their lives and seek advice and now want to impact others in the community

The way my core group has grown into young women and how they can now
comfort each other and me.

The way my best friend prayer mightily and speaks the truth in love.

My sisters, growing up and growing in their love for Jesus and learning to trust Him

My upcoming mission trip.

But I take no credit, for it is all God's doing. Him working through me, I am nothing made into something only for His glory...and it has been so awesome. So I can look back and be ok with moving on. There is still time for more impact before I go and thats exciting. And there's time for you too :)

I am leaving behind a legacy. And I wouldn't have it any other way. This is my comfort and my strength for saying goodbye.

~standing on His Promise~

*thank you for the encouragement on my last post, I took it to heart and it was a lovely reminder of God's promise to reward obedience and that I will suffer as He did for His Glory*


Stephanie said...

Man, it is cool to look back on things knowing you're leaving behind a legacy. And that's a really encourageing note.

Children part reminded me of a video I saw in my English class called children see children do. You can probably find it on youtube.

Stephanie said...

I'm gonna post it on my blog quickly for you.

retrobellewife said...

Hey Casey,
It is funny how children pick up on what they see, and equally scary at times.
I, too, wonder what others think of me. Who will miss me, if anyone at all. When I left the last place I worked, I knew I was leaving three people I had come to like very much. I was surprised when one of them left me a gift and an encouraging card waiting for me on my last day. Another girl had written the sweetest note in my senior book, telling me how much she had enjoyed working with me. I was most surprised when she said I was funny! I am horrible at jokes, but I guess sarcasm could be found funny at times?!?!?!? Now, I am back at the same place I started. Will anyone I know now miss me? Did I add any enjoyment in their lives or teach them anything at all. I will also be working somewhere new. Will these people like me or accept me? I do not know the answer, but perhaps that is how it should be. If we spent all of our time trying to please others and make an impact on their lives, would we ever accomplish such a thing. I truly believe God uses me, but mainly when I am not looking. I think I would go mad if I spent every second making such effort, for only He knows how I am to work for Him. I can only pray that I do please Him and help Him each day.
Once again- another great post!