Monday, May 19, 2008

I Wonder

I often wonder where God will take me and what it will be like to look back on this time of my life, will I look back in amazement, regret, happyness or what? And I think of all the possibilities in front of me and am just in amazement.

I know where I have been and where I am, but I wonder where I'm going and where I'll end up and what God has for me. I wonder what this all means, why He lifted me up to a higher place than I deserve. But I wonder still, when I look at the star filled sky, when the sun's warmth envelopes me, when the wind blows like a small whisper and when the spring rain strums on my roof...I am wondering in pure awe of God for He guides me and where He leads I will follow, still wondering.

~standing on His Promise~


Stephanie said...

Yeah, it will be interesting to look things later. This probably wasn't what you thinking of when you wrote it, but what do you think you'll think of me in a year's time?

Don't you think it would be cool if you could just get a letter from the future version of yourself? I actually think that would be weird.

Wondering is a good thing for sure though.

Tracy said...

I wonder some of those things too. We can rest in the fact that we are children of the One who knows the future & knows what's best for us. Have a great day!

= )