Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Faith, Trust, Love and the Unknown

I am on an adventure with the Lord.

He is driving my car, called life, it's a red slightly worn sedan. I am in the back seat, I cannot see the front seat, because of the tinted privacy window, like you see in limos. I can look out my side windows and see the beautiful scenery as we pass it. The evergreen trees, the canyons, the waterfalls, the animals,etc. But I can not see any signs, no mileage markers, no destination clues, nothing that would tell me where I am going or how long it will take to get there. I am on a journey.

Taking a step back to look at my life, I realize that I have many dreams and ambitions, many goals and desires. However, I thought I knew where I was going, but I don't not at all. Instead I find myself enjoying the scenery of this journey. I am waiting. I think much of my life's calling will depend on the man I marry, which is a scary thought for me. That means that my dreams and desires might not look like I imagined. But that is where trust, faith and love come in. The Lord is my Guide and He has great plans for me.

~Set Apart~

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