Monday, June 9, 2008

songs and gifts

These are a few songs "I" wrote, God really gets the credit He gave them to me. Don't know why He did considering I don't sing or play instruments but I wanted to share them with you all.

The song WHY was written shortly after a classmate's father took his life, leaving his son, daughter and wife to deal with unanswered questions.

Why did you have to go
there's so much i need to know
All i have left are memories
and one little note that you wrote me
(verse 1)
Was it something i did or something i said
was there no other way to stop the pain
could it be that your love for me was not enough
Why did you have to go
there's so much i need to know
All i have left are memories
and one little note that you wrote me
(verse 2)
what was it that you couldn't live through
what about those you left behind
did you think that we could just move on without you
Why did you have to go
there's so much i need to know
All i have left are memories
and one little note that you wrote me
Who will walk me down the isle
who will chase away my fears
who will heal my broken heart
who will wipe away my tears
Oh daddy, Why did you have to go
there's so much i need to know
All i have left are memories
and one little note that you wrote me

This next song was written at 3am, I shot up out of bed and wrote down the song in my head. Definitely a God thing.

Went down to the clinic today
one night last month i gave myself away
never been so afraid of a test before
(verse 1)
How do i carry for 9 months
look into its eyes and say good-bye
i hope you have a much better life
Why does this have to be so hard
why'd i choose to go that far
and what am i supposed to do now
(verse 2)
What if i do the unthinkable
because I'm so afraid of what they'll say
the christian life i used to lead
is now just hypocrisy
Why does this have to be so hard
why'd i choose to go that far
and what am i supposed to do now
when i tell him what will he say?
its not his there's just no way
and i'll just have to figure it out
Why does this have to be so hard
why'd i choose to go that far
and what am i supposed to do now
went down to the clinic today
one night last month I gave myself away
Never been so afraid of a test before

These song are in no way professional but I really believe that some day God is going to use them to touch someone. I also believe that one reason I wrote these songs was because I have the spiritual gift of mercy.

"The gift of Mercy: the special gift where by the Spirit enables certain Christians to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are suffering so that they can devote large amounts of time and energy to alleviate it.
This ability to empathize with hurting people manifests itself into cheerful acts of service. The believer feels deeply for those with physical, spiritual or emotional needs and is motivated to take action to meet the needs.

The actions taken reflect Christ’s love.The Greek word for “mercy” (eleos) means “to show compassion,” or “to feel sympathy of heart.” This gift is characterized by the ability to suffer alongside the person in pain, in a sense to feel the pain with them and to want to help them bear it.
This extraordinary gift enables the believer to feel a deep compassion that transcends natural Christian caring and to minister to hurting people in a cheerful and sustained manner.
The person with the gift of mercy will be drawn to exercise it among the needy, ill, the mentally impaired, the handicapped, shut-ins, imprisoned, bereaved, lonely, and others in troubled situations.
It is revealed in the person’s being able to serve in the presence of human misery such as is so often seen among the poor, the sad, the afflicted and the abandoned."
Yep, thats my number 1 gift and (fortunately?) it shows. I am the one who helps at funerals, who takes on the burdens of those around me, who desperately wants to make the hurt go away because I can feel it, just like they can. Only I can express it when sometimes they can't or don't know how. I can be a voice, their voice.
I can be His arms, giving them His hugs, shedding His tears, showing His love, and lightening their load by bearing their burden with Him. This gift is not easy and to be honest their have been times where I have hated it, really hated it. But in this moment, I understand why I have it, and why its needed.
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope it made sense, some times they don't and thats ok too.
~standing on His Promise~


Stephanie said...

Those songs are awesome and they really make the point. I think the first one made a bigger impact on me. It made it really seem like more of a real thing for people who have to go through that. Plus I can't really relate to second one, not that I can relate to the first but knowing how much I love my dad I would be really hurt if anything ever happened to him.

Mercy is sweet gift. I'd say I have that gift moderately myself but definitely not aa number 1. Don't ask me what my number 1 is because I don't know.

The song-writting is a cool gift and it's interesting to see this new (to me) musically artzy side of you:)

Stephanie said...

Thanks for praying and thank Sam for me too. I think of you guys all the time. I pray for both of you a bunch too. Honestly praying for someone daily is a big commitment and it amazes me everytime that you guys are so willing to do this for someone who you've never ever met. That's not to say you don't know me though!

As for that group of friends, they are truly amazing people but there's like a half hour distance between us. Ha, but I was thinking to myself yesterday that maybe after I graduate I'll move there and get more involved with them. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.... and that's ok right now.

I'm just gonna wait on God for a best friend. Everything will happen in his time. I think my mom was 19 when she met her best friend so I still have time and it's not something I need for the moment, it would just be a nice bonus.

Tracy said...

Hi, CaseyMay! Great songs. I believe that God will use them someday, too.

Mercy is one of my Spiritual Gifts too & I agree that it isn't always easy, but it is definitely needed within the Body of Christ.

BTW, I love the new look. Have a great day!

= )

Dragonflysoul said...

you have a beautiful heart, my dear, that God is using and speaking through. what an honor! i especially like the "one night last month" lyrics. i actually could see that being played on CCM radio stations. i'm sure a LOT of young women could relate and would be touched by that song.

thanks for sharing with us :-)