Friday, June 13, 2008

2 months and counting....

Today I talked to my mom about how exactly I am getting to Minnesota in less than 2 months. She is set on driving and taking my sisters. I am not too happy about this, but as our conversation proved, I don't have a choice. My dad asked me to think about how my mom is feeling right now, I am the first one to leave and its not just that fact that I'm moving out, its the physical distance of it all.

My mom has to deal with that but so do I, and I am the one leaving, which means I have to say goodbye or as some of you say, "see you later". But for me "see you later" is in a few days, not a few months. My parents aren't making this any easier for me, they are telling me on a daily basis how much time I don't spend with them and how much I am going to miss them. Its like they are trying to make me feel guilty! I am honestly trying to spend more time with them but when they say things like that, it makes me want to leave again. It is going to be so hard for me to leave them, they are all I have known for the last 20 years of my life!

I may be pretending right now that I'm going to be ok, but the truth is I am going to cry like a baby. I am on the verge of tears right now just thinking about it.

Don't get me wrong, I know that I am following God's plan, but He also said it wouldn't be easy...but it'd be worth it. I read this verse this morning and I just remembered it :)

"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life"
Matthew 19:29
Nine weeks...thats all I have left. In exactly nine weeks, I will watch my family drive away and I won't see them for atleast four months...
*deep breath*
~standing on His Promise~


SamanthaMarie said...

*deep breath* ...
And jump into the arms of the One who loves you.

The way is narrow, the way is hard, but my oh my, will it ever be worth it my dear sister!!

As humans we are often (dare I say always?!) imperfect. We do not know how to deal with our emotions. I know I've proven this to be true one too many times. So, while parents may not know how to handle their first child leaving (or their last...) they do mean well. Remember always the never-ending love they have for you. The drive may be crazy, the good-bye beyond hard, you will be thankful for that time spent with them. You will embrace the fact they went all that way with you. I doubt you will regret it or wish it had been any other way. God always has a plan, and if it's for your whole family to go and see you off, well there's a reason for that.

I love you girl!

Stephanie said...

I totally understand the nagging thing. For me my mom nags me a lot about doing my homework. I want to do the homework and be the smart one who gets it all done early but the nagging is like the opposite of encourging because it makes it seem like a truck load of work!

But whether they bring it up a hundred or hopefully a few less, do it anyways because I'm pretty sure you won't regret it!

Love you, graffitigirl!

Lady in Waiting said...

I can't pretend to understand what you are feeling right now. I'm just noe getting the "let me out of here" bug that so many seem to geet around my age. But for me leaving is still a whole year away and even when I do it will only be an hour drive back home when I decide that I miss them. I'm finding that parents want so badly to hold onto their children forever. My grandmother still calls my dad her son to this day (not so bad except that she treats him like it too)!! They probabaly don't see them wishing for more time with you as annoying because it is something they truely desire. However for those of us on the other end (and this one part I can kinda relate with) just want a chance to be ourselves before making a huge transition. I know just thinking of leaving has me on a search ti find out who I really am and where I fit in this world and God's kingdom...and sometimes it's hard ot do with our parents seeming to hoover over us all the time. But you will miss them...only because you love them. They will miss you...and probably don't realize that in trying to hold you close, they are only succeding in pushing you further. You're in my prayers!! Love ya!

Dragonflysoul said...

aww casey :-(

i understand how you feel. and i'm sorry things are hurting/frustrating/emotional right now. i empathize with both you and your parents. you, eager to spread your wings, though you know you'll miss them; them, wanting to hold on a little longer to someone so precious to them. it's really hard.

when i was leaving for college, i couldn't WAAAAAAAIT to get out. and just KNEW i wasn't going to miss anything about being at home.

...until the last few moments in my dorm with my mom, before she left to journey back home. we sat on the floor amidst all my boxes and bags, and i wept in her arms, and she in mine :-) as she prayed over me and blessed me, a part of me didn't want to let her leave that city.

but we made it! she learned to let go and i learned that even when i feel stifled at home, there are people there who love me so much that i miss when i'm not near them. and that excitement and newness of being out on my own was wonderful and made the heaviness go away.

things will be ok - there will be some tears from all of you, but you will quickly fall into the marvelous things the Lord has in store for you. you will be experiencing so much out there casey, and it will fill your heart like never before! and your parents will be ok - they will feel the sting for awhile, but they'll be ok.

in my prayers, babe!

Anonymous said...

You will be ok, but it will take some time. FEEL those feelings, sorrow, joy, sadness, freedom. You will learn from each one of them. And praise God that you are open to learning what HE wants for you. I know God will bless you. You will be ok.

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

I am crying now...and my child still has a hard year at home!
I know it seems I only relate by telling stories of my past - and that drives my girls insane!!! - but that is how I pull out the memories of those emotions, so here goes!!!
The weekend before I flew to Germany, we had to drive my car to New Orleans so they could ship it overseas. My Dad was the one to take the trip with me and it is a memory I will always cherish! It was just the two of us, driving in Southern Louisiana, where neither of us had ever been before!!! Got to see some beautiful plantation homes (my fav architecture!) and found that swamps can be really pretty, too! For two days, I never once heard my Dad get angry! I think he was already ruminating on my leaving...he was quiet most of the time! We laughed at jokes that only we would, and when we had TOTALLY cleaned the car to military specs, we got off the highway heading toward the shipyard and had to drive straight through a HUGE mud puddle!!!
Then, after dropping off the car, we took a walk to Bourbon St. and caught the bus there to head to the airport and fly home! So, how is that special? Bourbon St. was quiet a ways from the shipyard but because I love history so much, my Daddy made sure I walked away from New Orleans having visited the famous Quarter!
In some ways, it would have been easier to deliver the car myself. But my Daddy chose to take the time off of work and make a hard drive to New Orleans so he could spend some extra time with me!
I 'left home' on May 15, 1989 and the next time I saw my parents was Dec 12, 1990 and by then, I was a parent myself!!
Ya never know what will come, so try to enjoy all the time they want to spend with will never be the same once you walk out that door!!
Love ya, and sorry for the extra blog here! You have won a portion of my heart and I just can't leave ya out!!!
