Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Journey of Today

"It's strange: You are about to embark on an amazing God-breathed journey,

one that will be the giant stepping stone that will send you places you haven't even dreamed of.

And, at the same time, you are still at home, working the same ol' job,

doing the same ol' things, and having the same ol' arguments with the family."


looking forward

but still tied down to the present

And yet the following is my prayer for you...

Despite the fact that you want to leave so badly and that you think the days are going tortuously slow, I hope they continue to do so.

I'm not claiming to have it all figured out, but I do know what it's like to be without your parents for two whole weeks with only one five-minute phone conversation to satisfy you.


enough to cherish


enough to remember


enough to love

It's hard.

Let alone the fact that you are leaving behind many friendships, old and new. You are going to want these days to cherish the time you have left with your family and friends. No matter how much each of them drive you crazy.


47 days from today

it is good-bye

My next prayer is that you can truly give all of this to God. It is a huge frustration for you, all these arguments with the family and trying to do the "balancing act." But God can handle it much better and He wants to. So I pray that you give it over to Him, and that once you do a sense of peace resides from now in your heart and in your household.





And remember, communication is key. Being a parent is the toughest job on earth and they've been through what you are going through and are now on the receiving end their parents were on years ago. It's hard for them, but they understand these bittersweet feelings more than me, more than you.


I don't know what its like for them

They don't need me making this any harder


And one more thing. I am praying hard that you will cherish that last road trip with your family. You do not know how long it will be until the next one. You are getting a chance to see some beautiful states with the people that love you most in the world (minus your dad, and minus me;)) What an opportunity!!

Make memories

don't be selfish

Count it all joy

And yes, it will suck that they are the ones "leaving you." But you know that's not the case. You are leaving them. So give them a chance to say good-bye. Sometimes people need to see the body one more time before it's lowered into the ground so to speak. We all have ways of saying good-bye, so give your mom this gift. You'll both appreciate it.

Let her say goodbye

Let yourself say goodbye

Its not going to be easy

She's my mom

She is my comfort

my support

She needs this more than I do

You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back."So love and embrace it while you have it. Your next adventure is going to be AMAZING but don't forget about the one you are currently on.

No day


enjoy the journey

don't forget about the NOW

and the opportunities you have today

italics=comment from samanthamarie-- I am blessed with a wise best friend who loves me enough to speak the TRUTH in LOVE. I love you....

ALSO thank you all for your prayers and encouragement on my last post, I am blessed with wise and caring friends. *hugs*

~standing on His Promise~



SamanthaMarie said...

I love you babe! And I will finally quit apologizing for making you cry ;)

This post is such a blessing to me! It helps me see that I also need to focus on these things as my time is dwindling too.

The difference one day makes though :)

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

Samantha sounds like an amazing friend in your life. You are very blessed! The trip will be long, but so worth it! Enjoy each new day!!!
