Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What can I do in 30 days?

30 days.

That's all I have left in this small little river town. One question keeps resurfacing in my mind and pulls on my heart:

What will you do with the time that's left?

That reminds me of a song by Mark Shultz

What will you do with the time that's left?

Will you live it all with no regret?

Will they say that you loved till your final breath?

What will you do with the time that's left?

Chorus:Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah

Hallelujah, amen

And what will you with the time that's past?
Oh and all the pain that seems to last?
Can you give it to Jesus and not look back?
What will you do with the time that's past?


And what will He say when your time has come?
And He takes you into His arms of love
With tears in His eyes will He say "well done"?
What will you say when your time has come?

What will I do in my last 30 days?

Will I impact a life for God's glory?

Will I cherish the people I love?

Will I live with no regrets?

Will I make memories?

Will I love LOVE?


The next 30 days will undoubtedly go by way too fast (especially after I come home from Mexico) but I know that I am doing God's will and yes its scary but it is going to be so worth it!

So for the next 30 days I will live LOVE.

it's not goodbye. It's see you soon.

~standing on His Promise~


Stepheny said...

Hello Casey,

I kept seeing your comments on Samantha's blog and thought I'd stop in. :)

I love your template!


Stepheny said...

Oh yeah,

I just saw your profile- God has called me to surrender my life to be a missionary! I love the missions, I give to them, and feel a burden for the unsaved...

God is SO good!


Anonymous said...

Ah! I LOVE that song!!
