Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's Going to be OK

I first must apologize for seeming a little crazy. The past week or so has been an emotional one and has taken its toll.

But I can finally say truthfully:
It's going to be ok.
Yes leaving will be hard and sad and scary. But it would be worse to not follow God's calling.
God has called me to Texas. I must go and leaving is not a bad thing.
Life will go on without me and that is ok. My family will be fine. My core group will have a new leader they can trust. My Sunday school class with have a great teacher. My best friend will still be my best friend, always.
I will meet new people-likeminded people. I will get opportunities of a lifetime and the chance to grow radically deeper in my relationship with God.
It's all going to be ok. :)
~standing on His Promise~


SamanthaMarie said...

Yay for being okay! Yay for being positive!

I'm so very proud of my bestest friend. She's letting go and giving it all to God. :D I am so happy for her!!

Love you!!

retrobellewife said...

Casey, I am so glad you are feeling better! I knew you'd be okay.
I am excited about my new room, but I'm not so sure it will come out as nice as I hope. I never thought I'd have my own room. Oh well, there is always the exciting thought of having our own homes one day. Right? Then, I am sure we will both be going crazy in decorating. In the meantime, I'll be posting about my new room and you'll have to tell us about your dorm room and the campus, etc.

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

We are excited to be on this end just waiting for your arrival!!!

Isn't God amazing how He brought all of us together for just such a time as this??? I pray that in the years ahead we will all remember this answer to prayer and the memory will help to strengthen our faith in our Lord!

You are an awesome daughter of the most high God and I cannot wait to physically 'meet' you and wrap you up for a big ol' Texas size hug!!!

Love you! Pamela