Monday, July 5, 2010


The older I get, the more I realize that God is a God of surprises.

Tonight I find myself once again thinking about the past, present and future. I had a very encouraging conversation with my friend David today, and with most good conversation comes processing.

Just two weeks ago I was in Texas, at the Honor Academy. Today, here at home, it feels like years ago, a mere dream.

I feel like the next 6 weeks is going to be more like a purgatory, a waiting period fully of testing and trails. I was warned about this feeling, this depression that could sink in, the loneliness. I am clinging to Christ with all I have, because in all reality I have no idea where my life is going. Don't get me wrong that is fine, I am getting used to that.

I know that I am here for such a time as this.
Please show me what that means.
Draw me to Yourself.
To the secret place.
Where it's just You and me.
I long for You, here in the quiet darkness.
And there in the whirlwind of busyness.
Guide me Lord, along Your path.
I will follow You.

And Lord,
that man that I wait for,
draw him to You too.
Prepare us, for the right time.
May our hearts be fixed on You.
Always on our first love, Christ Jesus.

And in this waiting, Lord,
have Your way.

~Standing on His Promises~

1 comment:

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

I just keep singing "Wrap me in Your arms" here lately!!! Praying for you during the waiting!!!
