Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Seeking Identity from the Creator

Many times, especially as women, we sit back and ponder what makes us so 'wonderful'. Or we think about all the reasons we aren't 'wonderful'. (or aren't [insert word] here). Some days are better than others, but I think because the enemy has it out for us, we are daily left with a question to answer, "Who am I?" 

This question has been ringing in my mind lately, especially because it seems like all my plans are falling through, the 'control' I thought I had is slipping through my hands. After a frustrating few weeks, I pause and ask myself, "Why does any of this matter?" "What am I doing?" "What makes me valuable?"

When we try to define ourselves by something other than God, these questions can ruin us. We keep striving and working with no progress. However, when we take a step back and look to the Lord, we remember what He says. We are adopted as His children (Ephesians 1). He loves us, His grace is sufficient. He is the one who created us for a purpose, (Jeremiah 29:11, Esther 4:14). 

So tonight, I remember that. And I ask that the Lord would hold my heart, so that it may not be tarnished by this world, or the flaming arrows of the enemy. 

~Set Apart~