Monday, August 4, 2008

As I Lay Here

"I'm so glad you're my best friend"

Her words pierced the silent room

We watched The Passion of the Christ earlier that day.

"Greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Lay down my life...
He laid down His life for me
Lay down my life...
Pierced for my transgressions
Lay down my life...
He calls me Friend
Lay down my life...
She calls me Best Friend

Sleeping peacefully next to me was my best friend. She lays down her life for me. She invests in me, her time, talents, treasures, she shares it all with me. She sacrifices her needs/wants/desires to spend time with me-daily. Whether its a phone call, text message or actual face time.

Sometimes I am so selfish.
So unworthy
So ungrateful
Sometimes I forget all the good
all the laughter
all the joy
the memories
and the love
I have been shown.

A best friend:
-makes time for you
-laughs when you have one shoe on backwards
-touches you (back rubs and amazing hugs)
-laughs when you both get her age wrong
-goes on walks with you just because
-doesn't let anything get in the way of your friendship
-breaks down your walls
-asks you the hard questions
-prays with you
-gives of themselves
-loves you
-lays down their life for you

Everyday She looks more like Jesus.

~standing on His Promise~



SamanthaMarie said...

So, if I didn't have such a block, I would be bawling like normal people, as it is, I'm bawling like how I bawl.

Thank you Casey May, this blog is so encouraging and makes me feel appreciated. It's really hard for me to just accept all these nice things that you say, since we know how much I "love" to hear about myself. But I really appreciate that you can show how much you care about me.

And I am abundantly happy that you are my best friend. You are one in six billion and I'm so blessed to call you my bestie.

I love your face on and off and I love you in a stalker way. You mean sooo much to me.

Yay for Jesus! He knew what He was doing when He brought us together!

Dragonflysoul said...

what an awesome thing to be loved first by Jesus, then by such a beautiful friend. :-)