Saturday, September 4, 2010


I have recently discovered how content and absolutely blessed I am by this current season of life. 

One thing that I have a deep desire in my heart for, is to someday get married. I will soon be 22, which is by no means old. For some reason over the last year or so, I have felt this need to find the man of my dreams and settle down. Thankfully the Lord has changed my heart, I am so incredibly happy being single. There is no potential of a relationship in my life anytime soon, and I love that. I am blessed to live with 3 other godly women, my best friend and I (who is also my roommate) pray together in the morning and at night, it is such a blessing to be held accountable, to pray for one another, and worship God together.

I started college after my 2 year break,  I am now in my second week and really enjoy it! We are also hosting a bible study starting next week that I am super excited about.

The Lord continues to show me His faithfulness, I am still looking for a job, and He still provides everything I need financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This is the season that I have prayed for, for years. And now I am living this set apart life.

It is truly a blessing. I will continue to serve the Lord, no matter what my relationship status is, no matter my employment status, no matter the balance of my checking account. 

~Set Apart~

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