Sunday, April 25, 2010


What a season of life. In some aspects it is ever changing and in others it is so still or should I say stale?


My heart hurts. The Lord has been revealing things to me tonight that I did not want to see. He is good at that. I don't like to admit when people have hurt me, I have always played the strong, tough woman. Ha, yeah right. The truth is, friends, I have a very soft heart, my feelings do get hurt, and my heart does get broken.

Oh, Lord, I have been careless once again, and find my heart in pieces. Will I ever learn? Thank You for Your grace! Lord, please come to me, meet me here in my moment of weakness, of need, of desperation.

Vulnerability. Exposure. Words that no one really likes. In times like this I think I know how Eve felt in the garden, when we discovered she was naked, and had sinned against the Lord. She hid, and God still knew, and called to her.

This is good, yet painful. Hosea 6:1-3, Lord break me, so that You can rebuild me.

~Standing on His Promises~


Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

I ditto the prayer, sweetheart, for you and for me! God created us with those tender hearts to take them to Him for healing, but why is that so hard to continually do?? I'm still working on that, so if you find the answer, please let me know!!!

Love you!

ams said...

I understand and can relate to the season, and I'm sorry this has happened, but know that the Lord has a very good reason for allowing the situation to happen as it did! You may not be able to see it now, but one day you will, and you'll be thankful for it then! Praying for you and looking forward to a good, deep conversation soon!

Diipo said...

Writing this must have healed your heart half way... as reading it did mine. Wish you well friend.