Friday, June 5, 2009

Learning lessons

Ok, so my Core Advisor asked our core (the six of us girls that life together), to fast from men. In everyway, no talking, texting, touching, hand signal, etc. She said that God really burdened her with this, and it was confirmed many times, even in some of the girls' hearts.

It was hard to deal with at first, most of me wanted to rebel and not do it. But it was in that moment that I realized I needed it. So often we can let the relationships in our life distract us from God, especially with men. Something that God is trying to show me is that I often try and please men instead of Him.

And because I know tha God is preparing me to be a wife and a mother in this season of singleness, its hard to gurad my heart and mind. I am at an internship where there are some great men of God, and there is no dating, but as a woman often finds, it can be very hard not to play the "What if?" game. So now that I am on a fast from men, I am focusing more on the Lord. I think that through this I am going to mature a lot as a woman. Not only that but I am also going grow in my intimacy with the Lord. I am excited but it is a challenge. Some of them are confused because they think we are ignoring them, poor guys. It's really hard when some of them you are really close to (one of my friends sits rights across from me, we face eahc other, luckily he is not here right now, and then leave for his mission trip, hopefully when he comes back it will be over).

I will keep you updated! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!
~standing on His Promises~


Stephanie said...

Yeah, dads are so important. They really shape how their daughters treat other guys.

How long is the fast going to last?
Hopefully, not to overly long because guys are important, but long enough to really learn from it and focus on Jesus.

Do you debrief with your core in the evening or what not and talk about how doing the fast affected you that day? I would be journaling during this time so that you can look back on it.

Elizabeth J. said...

Interesting thing to do. Guarding our hearts is so important!

Dragonflysoul said...

good insights, graffitigirl. :-)